Sexy Transmog + Epic Win BG

Done a lot of cool and interesting stuff today. Tried some serious arena (for the first time in my wow-playing history) and got my arse kicked. But it sure was fun! Hopefully i'll be able to do some more arenas and improve my PvP-skills as a mage.

Most passionate gnome in Azeroth...
But skills is not all! When you play f2p you have to look good aswell! So I finally got myself this supersexy transmog set. Im as proud as one could ever be.

Lastly I played in the most epic WSG to this day. We had played the entire game with the odds agianst us. Horde had several 24s and none of the teams had captured any flags. In the last 5 minutes we manage to get their flag. Of course they grab ours aswell and both flagcarriers hides in eachothers bases. But in some magical way we manage to take down the EFC in the LAST MINUTE. Our FC caps the horde flag with only 30 seconds left on the clock. The whole BG-chat went crazy. Most...Epic...WSG...EVER!

Oh they mad...

Until next time!

WoW Memes!

Me and my friends got bored. So we decided to make some derpy (and immature) WoW memes! Enjoy!

Do you have any WoW memes? Post them in the comments!

Until next time!

Farmer Snopper

Been doing quite a lot of skinning lately. Farmed boars at the "Maclure Vineyards" for nearly 3 hours yesterday. You are probably thinking: "But Snopper, why would you EVER want to farm that much skins???". Well it's actually quite simple.

304 Ruined leather scraps, 240 Light leather and 16 medium leather.
I needed to get to level 100 in Leatherworking to get armor enchants for some of my slots! So after quite a while of farming I started leatherworking. Kudos to for an awesome guide on how to level LW. Finally after emptying my whole bag I managed to reach skillevel 100 in LW and get my sweetsauce enchants.

Now off to the next profession: Jewelcrafting. For that I need to start farming copper ore. But of course just when im about to start...The server begins to blizz!
So I guess I just have to hold my horses for a while...

Until next time!

A glorious fishing contest

Pretty crowded in some places...
In the last post I talked about a certain event. Well this is what i've been talking about. "Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza". For those of you who have no clue at all what im talking about, here is a link telling you what it's all about: "Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza"

For those of you who already know what im talking about, please continue reading!

So I got to my own place where i waited for the countdown to begin. After a few minutes, the battle for fishpools had begun. Horde and Alliance running around like mad trying to get 40 "Speckled Tastyfish" to win the competiton. But im here for something else:

Sicckkkk stats!!!
"The Lucky Fishing Hat". It's the best headgear in the entire game for level 20 f2p mages. And it looks freaking badass. To get this baby you need to get a certain rare fish from the pools, which are spawned in when the contest begins. Then they'll stay there for the next 2 hours, until the contest ends. This is the major reason why everyone is at STV at this certain time, to get this wonderful hat.

So anyways, I began fishing at a spot where there seemed to be a lot of pools that also respawned quite quick. I stood there for nearly an hour before I got anything special. When I saw that there was something green in my loot-window I got my hopes up. But then it was just an "Rockhide Strongfish" which could be used as a mace...Too bad the level req was 40 though. What's even more sad is that this fish has a lower droprate than the fish needed to get the LFH*.

My own little fishingspot in STV :3
This is how it went on for the rest of the contest. Just a whole bunch of junk and crap fish for 2 hours straight. I did however get a "Dezian Queenfish" towards the end. I left without a LFH* but i still had a lot of fun! And you can count on me being there the next Sunday!

Here is a screenshot of all the fish I looted for those 2 hours. In the far bottom you can see the 2 rare fishes:

Until next time!

*Lucky Fishing Hat

"Look at my elekk, my elekk is amazing!"

Small gnome + Huge elekk
Today i've been playing a lot on Snopper. Trying to gear him up piece by piece. Didn't have that much luck getting a cape from doing random dungeons. Although all the instance farming finally paid of. I am now exalted with "The Exodar" and thereby I can have my own elekk mount! It feels fantastic to cruise around on this beast in Stormwind. Next up is the different sabers from "Darnassus".

I finished the day by going to the "Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza". Which is a competion for super cool prizes and glory! But more about that tomorrow. I am waaaaaaay to tired to start writing on that. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, it will be epic!

Until next time!

Friday night farming

Been doing some BG's on Smutser this evening. Trying to get enough honor to buy me one of them [Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate]. It's a really good chest compared to my old one. So far i've managed to gather 1271 honor points. The chest costs about 3400 honor, so I have a lot of farming to do ._.

A long way to go...

 I guess i better get back to doing BG's. By the way! I've got this awesome achivement from a recent WSG. Got really happy! Would've been impossible if alliance hadn't facerolled the entire BG...

Ironman: In a single Warsong Gulch battle, carry and capture the flag 3 times without dying.
Until next time!

Snopper - Level 20


Snopper finally dinged level 20! Now he is going for the "Epic" endgame gear to become one of the "beastliest" mages of Azeroth. It's going to be though, but he will try his best. I haven't really documented that much on his leveling but I hope you guys are fine with that. I just did'nt feel like writing anything at the time.

Anyways, you might remember Rembost, my friend that started playing f2pwow with me. Well, I managed to not only get him to start playing. I actually got 3 other friends to join me on Aerie Peak! It's just fantastic! In my opinion games get 10 times better when you play them with irl friends.
So I welcome Amandypandy, Hauppauge and Lojal to the f2pcommunity of Aerie Peak. Hope you stay for a while!

Hope you all feel alright with me playing on Snopper instead of Sliker. I will go back to her sooner or later though. But now im going to log on Snopper and farm some instances! Took this hilarious picture in SFK a couple of minutes ago. Made me lol.

Looks like Snopper is having a boxingfight with the fox...

Until next time!

"AFK" Slisker - For now

Another reference...Hope you have seen the other ones aswell!

Slisker is back! But unfortunately not for long. Not for long at all. Some of my friends have gotten interested in playing f2pwow, so i will probably play with them for quite a while. Atleast until they get bored of it. So i don't really know what the future will hold for this blog. Maybe i'll post some stuff from Snopper or maybe i'll make a new character. All i can say is that Slisker will not be forgotten (as mentioned in earlier posts). Im really exited on learning the ways of Shaman healing. So as soon as im tired of the alliance side (where me and my friends will be situated) then i'll go back to Slisker!

While im gone, she just have to chill in Crossroads where she is situated right now. She is sleeping in the warm arms of a Zhevra mother. And is waiting eagerly for the moment she will be awaken to continue her quest in the various zones that Azeroth has to offer.

Until next time Slisker!

Servers are down... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Memegenerator FTW!

Gaaahh. The servers are down for maintenance! Here in Sweden it's in the middle of the day. Not sure if i'll even be able to play later today. Hopefully they'll get up before night atleast. Sometimes I hate playing on US servers...

Recruit A Friend - F2P Style! - Part 2

Greetings! Snopper here! Me and my friend Rembost have been adventuring for the whole afternoon. We have done a lot of quests and we both are now level 10! We had such a blast!

I asked Rembost some questions about what he thought of the f2pwow and if he would want to continue playing...

Q: What do you think about the f2pwowcommunity?
A: Very helpful since there are some limitations with f2pwow. And thanks to the community you can solve those problems easily.

Q: Are the limitations of a f2paccount hindering you from having fun while playing?
A: No. Since the game is for free and the community is very kind to new players (such as me), i would say that the limitations may be hard to accept as a former p2p wow-player. Although i can't see how anyone could'nt enjoy this.

Q: Did you think f2pwow was fun enough for you to spend more time in?
A: sure sure was...

As you can see, Rembost's reactions to f2pwow is quite positive. I have no doubt that we will continue leveling and having fun in the free world of Azeroth for a long time.

Recruit A Friend - F2P Style!

"After 5 years on the East Coast...It was time to go home..." - CJ "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"

You are probably thinking: "WTH!? WHERE IS SLISKER!? WHO ARE THESE LITTLE CLUCKERS!?". Well as the title hints about, im recruting a friend for f2pwow. So im making a new character to level with him. This does'nt mean that Slisker will become inactive no, no. I will just be playing on this character while my friend is online. There will maybe be some small updates but nothing major.

We have just started our journey in Dun Mourgh in the vast depths of Gnomergan. Snopper is a noble gnome mage who is uncertain about life and seeks to find the answer while going on a epic adventure. Rembost is just a happy old gnome who decided that he would go out and see the world.

Hopefully they'll reach their goals and have a glorious adventure!

New awesome-looking design!

The blog went through a little extreme blog makeover. Tell me what you think about it! Creds to my friend tEFFx for helping me out while we were having physics in school. Check out his youtube channel to watch some sickass editingskillz.

Until next time!

"Return Of The Slisk"

Woop Woop! Just hit level 10! The leveling will not be that boring anymore since Blizzard introduced the "Get-An-Awesome-Spell-When-You-Ding-10-Idea". After some thinking I have decided on going Resto for my spec. It will ease my search for Dungeons and will also bring some nice support for my teammates in the BG's. Im pretty new to healing in PvP though, since i've only healed in PvE before I guess I have a lot to learn!

I started practicing my healingskills right away by joining a WSG. The healing went pretty well actually, although the BG itself was just terrible. We met an Alliance team full of hunters and rogues, which on top of all decided to "GY-Camp" for 20 minutes while grabbing our flag. Is'nt that just typical.

The BG did'nt end well for us hordies but atleast I got to practice some healing. And as a matter of fact, I actually topped the "Healing Done"-meter! Not that it really matters, but hey! I thought it was kewl :3

MVP in da healz.

"The Trolls Strikes Back" a baws.

My journey began at Echo Isles. I helped my trollbros out and yadda yadda know the drill. After I finished the starting area I went for a little swim towards the next village of new exicting quests (which I totally have'nt done a gazillion times before). Then it struck me...HOLY SH*T! THERE IS ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT OF NOBLEGARDEN!!! I knew right away that I would'nt be able to get the title nor the mount in time, so I focused on getting the utterly adorable little Spring Rabbit. A few minutes later, I found myself hunting eggs like a mad man in Razor Hill. After approx 100 eggs I finally got it. We jumped around for a while in Razor Hill before we continued to Orgrimmar.

Awesome rabbit is awesome...

 I went to the barber and got a new stylish look which made my sex appeal shoot through the roof. Every single troll male stops to take a look at my funky walking style as I go down the streets of Orgrimmar.

I ended my day of questing and adventuring at level 8. Starting to think about which spec to use. Im slightly interested in elemental but im not so sure if that will work good enough in the BG's. If you have any thoughts on what I shall spec, drop a
comment below letting me know.

Until next time!


"A New Hope"

Greetings! My name is Hilariousgamer and this is my first post on my new (and first) blog F2Ptwinkblog. I have been wanting to start a gamingrelated blog for quite a while now and when I started playing f2pwow once agian I decided that now is my chance. I have read similar blogs like "Thirk On WoW" and "Zuty's wild f2padventures" and got really inspired to do the same. That's a short little introduction for you, now to the main part.

Since i have been playing f2p for quite a while now, I have gotten a better grasp of the community and how it works. I have got a hunter on the alliance side and a rogue on the horde side. Both the characters are on the famous f2ptwink server Aerie Peak. I have grown pretty tired of them both though, so i decided to make a new fresh character at the same time as I started the blog! I will document all her adventures and mishaps in the vast lands of "World of Warcraft" and hopefully you will enjoy reading it!

So here goes. A new chapter in twink history. Another Hk hungry character is ready to enter the amazing and fantastic world of azeroth.

Arise Slisker!